Report 7.10 Incident – Count
(Updated 04/15/2024)
Description: Reports the counts of incidents occurring at the LEA by each school of attendance, the number of students involved an incident, the number of students receiving instructional support, and the number of students removed to interim alternative setting. Counts of incidents and students involved in incidents are displayed by Incident Result categories.
Security Role Required: EOY 3 Reports
Data As Of:
- Snapshot version, any time in the reported academic year (7/1 – 6/30)
Basic selection criteria:
- Open enrollment at any time during the Report Period
- Enrollment Status Code = Primary Enrollment (10), Secondary Enrollment (20), Short Term Enrollment (30)
- Default Grade Level = TK, KN, 01 – 12,
- Student Enrollment (SENR) and Student Information (SINF) data reported or used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Enrollment Status and Grade Level) are associated with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period, regardless of when the incident occurred
- Student Program (SPRG) data used for student groups are selected from the most recent SPRG record for the school of attendance in the associated SINC record with Education Program Membership Start Date and Education Program Membership End Date (if exists) that overlap with the Incident Occurrence Date.
- Special Education data used for selecting SWD are selected from qualifying SWDS data that overlaps the qualifying enrollment at the Reporting LEA in the SINC record with the Incident Occurrence Date.
- Beginning in 2023-2024 AY:
- Source: SWDS Record effective on or during the report period has Special Education Status = 1 (Eligible and Participating)
- Student Incident Record (Record Type = SINC) for the Academic Year being reported
- Student Incident Result (Record Type = SIRS) and Student Offense (Record Type = SOFF) data used for are associated with the same Incident ID local, School of Attendance, and SSID
Report Filters: : Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed
- Academic Year
- Status
- School Type
- School
- Grade
- Gender
- Ethnicity/Race
- Enrollment Status
- Title I Part C Migrant
- Socio-economically Disadvantaged
- Students with Disabilities
- English Language Acquisition Status
- Foster Youth
- Homeless Program Eligible
- Armed Forces Family Member
- Student Offense
- Offense Grouping – Use Valid Code Combo Offense Code – Offense Grouping
- Incident Results Code
- User Comments
Report Logic:

Click image to expand
Column | Rules |
1 | School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table |
2 | School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table. |
Links to Report 7.12 Incident Results – Student List | |
3 | Count of Incidents – Unduplicated count of Incident Local IDs within each disaggregated category |
4 | Count of Students – Unduplicated count of SSIDs within each disaggregated category |
5 | Students Receiving Instructional Support – Unduplicated count of SSIDs where SINC Field 18.16 – Student Instructional Support Indicator = Y |
6 | Student Removals to Alt Setting Reason – Unduplicated count of SSIDs where SINC Field 18.17 – Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code = 1 or 2 |
7 | Unduplicated count of Incident Local IDs with an associated SIRS Field 19.14 – Incident Result Code = 100 (Suspension) or 110 (In-school Suspension) |
8 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs with an associated SIRS Field 19.14 – Incident Result Code = 100 (Suspension) or 110 (In-school Suspension) |
9 | Unduplicated count of Incident Local IDs with an associated SIRS Field 19.14 – Incident Result Code = 200 (Expulsion) |
10 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs with an associated SIRS Field 19.14 – Incident Result Code = 200 (Expulsion) |
11 | Unduplicated count of Incident Local IDs with an associated SIRS Field 19.14 – Incident Result Code = 300 (Other Means of Correction) or 400 (No Action) |
12 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs with an associated SIRS Field 19.14 – Incident Result Code = 300 (Other Means of Correction) or 400 (No Action) |
13 | Unduplicated count of Incident Local IDs with an associated SIRS Field 19.14 – Incident Result Code = 501 (Physical Restraint), 502 (Mechanical Restraint) or 600 (Seclusion) |
14 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs with an associated SIRS Field 19.14 – Incident Result Code = 501 (Physical Restraint), 502 (Mechanical Restraint) or 600 (Seclusion) |
15 | Unduplicated count of Incident Local IDs with an associated SIRS Field 19.14 – Incident Result Code = 700 (School-related Arrest), 800 (Law Enforcement Referral) |
16 | Unduplicated count of SSIDs with an associated SIRS Field 19.14 – Incident Result Code = 700 (School-related Arrest), 800 (Law Enforcement Referral) |
Additional Resources
CALPADS File SpecificationsForm
Look for Incident files (SINC, SIRS) for the fields indicated in the report logic.
CALPADS Data Guide
Chapter 2.1.4 provides additional information on student discipline.
This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements.